Category: Global Justice

Secretary-General welcomes launch of new UN mission in Haiti

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterrs welcomed the establishment Monday of the UN Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH), following the closure of its predecessor peacekeeping mission. “MINUJUSTH reflects the commitment of the United Nations to continue supporting the consolidation of peace and promotion of stability in Haiti,” said a statement issued by Mr. Guterres’ Spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric. The […]

UN General Assembly elects new members to the Human Rights Council

The General Assembly today elected, by secret ballot, 15 States to serve on the Human Rights Council, the highest intergovernmental body in the United Nations system for matters relating to protection and promotion of human rights worldwide. Newly elected to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council are Afghanistan, Angola, Australia, Chile, the Democratic Republic of the […]

On World Day UN spotlights posts’ contributions to development and people’s lives

The post plays an important role in the everyday lives of people and businesses, as well as contributes to global social and economic development, the United Nations postal agency said Monday, marking World Post Day. “It is important to constantly remind ourselves of the role that Posts play in our societies today, because some key […]

UN report reveals shocking levels of grave violations against children affected by conflicts

More than 15,500 children became victims of widespread violations – including shocking levels of killing and maiming, recruitment and use, and denial of humanitarian access – a new United Nations report has revealed. According to the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict, presented today to the Security Council, children from countries such as Afghanistan, the […]

Asylum and refugee protection represent ‘humanity at its best,’ says senior UN official

Warning of threats to the global asylum environment, the United Nations refugee agency’s protection chief today stressed the importance of sustained engagement by the international community to keep refugees high on the political agenda. “The interest in refugee and displacement-related issues tends to wax and wane. We are already seeing a different dynamic today than in […]

‘Nothing enduring can be built on violence,’ UN Assembly President says, recalling words of Gandhi

Noting that in today’s world, violence has become a “tool of choice” for many and new evidence, of destruction and suffering, every day resulting from this choice, the President of the United Nations General Assembly has called for greater efforts to prevent conflict and for the Organization to promote the use of non-violence across all […]