Month: October 2020

UN builds momentum for restoring forests as world enters key decade for ecosystems

© FAO/Giulio Napolitano Some areas of Niger have been degraded due to unsustainable land practices.   The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is leading a push for the world to scale up efforts to restore landscapes and forests over the next decade, with eyes on a target to salvage 350 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands, an area bigger than […]

Equality, sustainability should guide COVID-19 recovery, say governments at regional forum

WFP/Morelia Eróstegui Indigenous women in Bolivia speak to a WFP official about the coronavirus pandemic and healthy nutrition.  Countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region have called for COVID-19 recovery to be guided by the principles of inclusive development, equality and sustainability.  Gathered virtually for the thirty-eighth session of the UN Economic Commission for Latin […]

Information for people in need of assistance

To be eligible for this program a person must: live in Victoria, and be unable to access Commonwealth income support (such as JobKeeper or JobSeeker) or the Victorian International Student Emergency Relief Fund, and have zero or very limited income, savings or community support be a temporary or provisional visa holder, or an undocumented migrant. […]


2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, a ground-breaking resolution that was spearheaded by women leaders and organizations. It is the first resolution that recognized women’s leadership to achieve international peace and security and their contributions to conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution […]

UN Annual Report released

The Annual Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization 2020 is now available in a new electronic version featuring data, infographics, maps and imagery to highlight progress over the past year. The Annual Report highlights the UN’s work to drive the SDGs Decade of Action, climate action, gender equality, human rights, peace and […]

Too late to put women at centre of recovery efforts? No. But so far world is failing

The UNDP gender tracker found Australia has introduced zero COVID response measures targetting women’s economic security. Just one in eight countries have introduced measures across all three priority areas. Back in April, UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged the world to “put women and girls at the centre of recovery efforts” as the UN released a report highlighting […]