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Alarmed at destruction in Syria’s Palmyra, UN Security Council reiterates need to stamp out hatred and violence espoused by ISIL

Amid the destruction of cultural heritage in Syria, including that of the famed tetrapylon and parts of the Roman theatre in Palmyra by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh), the United Nations Security Council has reiterated that the terrorist group must be defeated and that the intolerance, violence, and hatred it espouses […]

UN agency urges support for small farmers to help them not just get by, but thrive and feed others

Highlighting growing challenges, such as climate change and natural resource scarcity, facing small farmers in developing countries, the head of the United Nations agricultural agency called for information technology tools that can help boost their resilience as well as feed a growing world population. “Millions of small family farmers need technical and financial assistance to […]

At Davos economic forum, UN chief Guterres calls business ‘best allies’ to curb climate change, poverty

Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres calls for a new generation of partnerships with the business community to limit the impact of climate change and to reduce poverty. In an address this morning to a special session on cooperation for peace, the Secretary-General said he was particularly interested in […]

One journalist killed every four days in 2016, UN agency finds

More than 100 journalists were killed last year while doing their jobs, according to the United Nations agency tasked with defending press freedom. The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said 101 journalists were killed in 2016, the equivalent of one journalist every four days. “The profession of a journalist is not a safe […]

Mauritania aims to boost food production through new UN agency agreement

A new partnership between the United Nations rural poverty agency and officials in Mauritania could boost finances and nutrition for nearly 300,000 farmers in the southern part of the country. “It will reduce the country’s dependence on food imports, create jobs and increase the incomes of rural households, especially women and youth,” said Philippe Rémy, […]

World’s jobless to rise amid economic uncertainty, growing inequality – UN labour report

The United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) released its 2017 World Employment and Social Outlook report today, which finds economic growth trends lagging behind employment needs and predicts both rising unemployment and worsening social inequality throughout 2017. “We are facing the twin challenge of repairing the damage caused by the global economic and social crisis […]