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Adopting new resolution, UN Security Council moves to thwart terrorists’ access to weapons

The United Nations Security Council today unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons, particularly small arms and light weapons, the “destabilizing accumulation and misuse” of which the 15-member body said “continue to pose threats to international peace and security and cause significant loss of life.” The Council “strongly condemned” the continued […]

ISIL’s ‘genocide’ against Yazidis is ongoing, UN rights panel says, calling for international action

Marking three years since the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) attacked the Yazidis in Syria, a United Nations-mandated inquiry has called for justice and rescue plans. “The Commission of Inquiry calls on the international community to recognize the crime of genocide being committed by ISIL against the Yazidis and to undertake steps to refer […]

Solidarity across generations is vital for sustainable development, UN special event hears

The wisdom, experience, energy and ideals of the old and the young are vital to realizing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said today, stressing that they together can help break the cycles of poverty that have lasted for generations. “The youth and the older persons in this room have wisdom, experience, […]

Conflict-affected rural families in Iraq to benefit from mobile cash-transfer technology – UN

Many vulnerable rural families in Iraq will now be able to safely receive income thanks to a newly adopted mobile money transfer technology that is part of a cash-for-work programme to rehabilitate farming infrastructure, according to the United Nations agriculture agency. “The use of mobile technology will streamline the safe delivery of cash transfers to […]

Venezuela: UN rights office urges all parties to refrain from violence amid protests over weekend polls

The United Nations human rights office has expressed regret that at least 10 people died in Venezuela over the weekend amid clashes between security forces and protestors opposing the Constituent Assembly elections, a spokesman for the Secretary-General said today. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) “calls for the investigations into the […]

Tanzania: Attacks on persons with albinism decline; local attitudes must change, UN expert finds

Welcoming a drop in the number of reported attacks against people with albinism, a United Nations human rights expert has concluded that this group of people in rural Tanzania continue to live in fear amid widespread attitudes that lead to violence against them. “People with albinism continue to live in a very fragile situation, as […]