Month: November 2016

International conference urges alternative online narratives to extremist propaganda on the internet

Participants at the international conference, Internet and the Radicalization of Youth: Preventing, Acting and Living Together, organized by UNESCO and the Government of Quebec in Quebec City, Canada, from 30 October to 1 November, have reaffirmed the positive potential of information technologies to build bridges among people and convey narratives that counter hate speech and […]

UN-backed cholera vaccination campaign kicks off today in Haiti

A vaccination campaign against cholera began today in the areas of Haiti hit hard by Hurricane Matthew, with support from the United Nations and other institutions. “Today in Haiti marks the first day of a vaccination campaign against cholera in areas ravaged by Hurricane Matthew,” Stéphane Dujarric, the spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, told reporters […]

Iraq: As anti-ISIL operation intensifies, civilians increasingly at risk, UN official warns

Amid the intensification of the military campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) in northern Iraq and its impact on civilians, a senior United Nations humanitarian official in the country has raised alarm their safety and called on all sides to ensure that they are protected. “We are deeply disturbed by […]

UN agency working to address women’s health and protection needs in storm-hit Haiti

Damage to health infrastructure caused by Hurricane Matthew is extensive, according to a joint evaluation conducted by UNFPA and the government of Haiti. Photo: UNFPA/Eddie Wright 3 November 2016 – With some 546,000 women of reproductive age in Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has urged greater attention to women’s […]

On International Day, UN calls for end of impunity for crimes against journalists

Warning that impunity for crimes against journalists is rampant, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for immediate action to secure justice in cases here journalists have been attacked or killed and for concrete steps from all countries to ensure that media professionals are guaranteed space to operate free from harassment and intimidation. Today, 2 […]