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Secretary-General’s Message for United Nations Day, 24 October

Widening conflicts and inequality. Extreme weather and deadly intolerance. Security threats – including nuclear weapons. We have the tools and wealth to overcome these challenges. All we need is the will. The world’s problems transcend borders. We have to transcend our differences to transform our future. When we achieve human rights and human dignity for […]

UN delivering coordinated humanitarian response in wake of Mogadishu bombings

The United Nations family of agencies and programmes is continuing to roll out its response in support of the recovery and clean-up effort in Mogadishu following Saturday’s massive car bomb blast, which killed some 300 people, injured hundreds more, and is being called Somalia’s worst-ever such attack. The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Office of […]

#MeToo movement stems from impunity and culture of silence, senior UN official writes

Casual indifference to sexual harassment is unacceptable, the head of the United Nations entity mandated to promote gender equality today said, urging women and men to change their response to acts of sexual aggression. In an opinion piece, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, pointed to the “pain and anger” of […]

UNICEF and partner agencies in South Sudan help reunite 5,000 children with families

Since conflict broke out in South Sudan in 2013, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Save the Children and other partners have successfully reunited more than 5,000 children with their families. “Keeping families together is the best way to ensure that children are protected, which is why the family tracing and reunification process for unaccompanied […]

Secretary-General welcomes launch of new UN mission in Haiti

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterrs welcomed the establishment Monday of the UN Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH), following the closure of its predecessor peacekeeping mission. “MINUJUSTH reflects the commitment of the United Nations to continue supporting the consolidation of peace and promotion of stability in Haiti,” said a statement issued by Mr. Guterres’ Spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric. The […]