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One-third of Rohingya refugee families in Bangladesh vulnerable, UN agency finds

The innovative data collection technology employed by the United Nations refugee agency for the first stage of Rohingya family counting in Bangladesh has revealed a worrying statistic: one-third of the refugee population is vulnerable. “In an innovative and revealing family counting exercise, UNHCR [the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees] teams found that one-third of […]

Both ISIL and Syrian Government responsible for use of chemical weapons, UN Security Council told

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) was responsible for using sulfur mustard in a September 2016 attack in Umm Hawsh and the Syrian Government was accountable for the release of sarin in an April 2017 attack in Khan Shaykhun, the head of a Security Council-mandated investigation said Tuesday. “There has been sufficient […]

Bonn: Indigenous peoples’ knowledge and wisdom valuable to climate adaptation, Peruvian activists say

Peruvian indigenous activists at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP23) in Bonn, Germany, made a strong call Tuesday for indigenous peoples to be part of the solution to tackling climate change, emphasizing their traditional wisdom and practical knowledge about adaptation methods. “We don’t want to speak only about climate change but about climate catastrophe […] […]

Bonn: UN climate conference to maintain ambition one year after Paris accord’s entry into force

One year after the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Bonn Conference, which opens on 6 November in Germany, will be an opportunity for nations around the world to show their ambition for climate action and their determination to keep their promises. “While Paris represented one of those moments where the best […]

UN concerned over ‘unfolding humanitarian emergency’ at Australia’s offshore processing centre

The United Nations human rights office on Friday expressed its concern over “an unfolding humanitarian emergency” at Australia’s offshore detention centre, where refugees and asylum seekers are holding out after the Australian Government’s decision to close the facility and pull out its support staff. “We share the concerns of other UN agencies… about what is an unfolding […]

‘Failure to broker peace’ hinders solutions to displacement, UN refugee chief tells Security Council

The head of the United Nations refugee agency on Thursday urged global leaders to find political solutions to the world’s conflicts, if the swelling numbers of forcibly displaced people are ever to return home. “Securing solutions for the millions of people uprooted around the world, and avoiding a repeat of the massive outflows that have […]