Category: International Observances

On World Day UN spotlights posts’ contributions to development and people’s lives

The post plays an important role in the everyday lives of people and businesses, as well as contributes to global social and economic development, the United Nations postal agency said Monday, marking World Post Day. “It is important to constantly remind ourselves of the role that Posts play in our societies today, because some key […]

‘Nothing enduring can be built on violence,’ UN Assembly President says, recalling words of Gandhi

Noting that in today’s world, violence has become a “tool of choice” for many and new evidence, of destruction and suffering, every day resulting from this choice, the President of the United Nations General Assembly has called for greater efforts to prevent conflict and for the Organization to promote the use of non-violence across all […]

Affordable housing key for development and social equality, UN says on World Habitat Day

With 1.6 billion people living in inadequate housing, one billion of whom reside in slums and informal settlements, the United Nations is spotlighting affordable homes on today’s World Habitat Day, which also marks the official start of Urban October – a month of worldwide celebrations and citizens’ engagement in urban life worldwide. “While millions of people […]

Sustainable tourism can advance global development, UN agency highlights on World Day

On World Tourism Day, the United Nations underscored the potential of sustainable tourism to advance economic, social, environmental and cultural sustainable development. On World Tourism Day, the United Nations underscored the potential of sustainable tourism to advance economic, social, environmental and cultural sustainable development. “This year’s celebration comes at a very special time,” said Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of […]

International Day of Peace 21 September

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. The theme for 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” The theme […]

On Day of Remembrance, UN says history of slave trade can help combat social injustice

Remembering the universal demand for freedom that led to the 1791 insurrection by slaves in what is now Haiti, the head of the United Nations cultural and educational agency yesterday marked the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition by underscoring the importance of teaching this history to young people. “We […]