Category: Global Justice

Affordable housing key for development and social equality, UN says on World Habitat Day

With 1.6 billion people living in inadequate housing, one billion of whom reside in slums and informal settlements, the United Nations is spotlighting affordable homes on today’s World Habitat Day, which also marks the official start of Urban October – a month of worldwide celebrations and citizens’ engagement in urban life worldwide. “While millions of people […]

Australia’s refugee policy is a failure. This is not the time to shirk responsibility – Thomas Albrecht

Last week the first refugees from Nauru and Papua New Guinea have departed to start a new life in the United States. After more than four years spent in limbo, in harsh and punitive conditions, those who sought Australia’s protection will finally find the chance to rebuild their lives elsewhere in safety and with dignity. They leave […]

With annual general debate over, time has come for action, UN Assembly President says

The United Nations General Assembly wrapped up its 72nd annual general debate today, with its President underscoring prevention of conflicts before they break out, support for UN peacekeeping, sustainable development, and respect for human rights and gender equality among the major priorities raised by the 196 Heads of State, Government and delegations. “You reaffirmed your […]

UN officials hail establishment of Technology Bank for world’s poorest nations

United Nations officials today hailed the establishment of the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), which will go a long way in addressing one of the major challenges facing the world’s poorest nations. The Bank, to be headquartered in Gebze, Turkey, also marks the achievement of the first target of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable […]

President of UN General Assembly urges world leaders to engage in working for the people

Opening the annual general debate, the President of the United Nations General Assembly today stressed the need for more work on prevention, a greater focus on people, and keeping promises made to advance prosperity and protect the planet. “We are spending too much time and money reacting to conflicts, and not enough on preventing them,” Miroslav […]

UNICEF scales-up relief for Rohingya facing critical ‘shortages of everything’

Amid an acute shortage of humanitarian supplies for the thousands of Rohingya arriving every day in Bangladesh, having fled violence in Myanmar, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is undertaking a “massive” scale-up of its emergency operations to ensure that those most vulnerable are not endangered further. Up to 400,000 Rohingyas have been sheltering in […]