Category: Global Justice

Australia’s offshore refugee processing causes ‘extensive suffering’ and must end, says UN agency chief

Four years on, Australia’s offshore processing has left some 2,000 people languishing in unacceptable circumstances – causing physical and psychological harm, according to the United Nations refugee agency, which today called for an immediate end to the practice. “Australia’s policy of offshore processing in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, which denies access to asylum in […]

Amid rising violence in Jerusalem, UN and diplomatic partners urge maximum restraint on all sides

In a statement issued late yesterday, the envoys of the so-called Middle East Quartet – comprising the UN, Russia, the United States and the European Union – strongly condemned acts of terror, and expressed regret for all loss of innocent life caused by the violence, and hope for a speedy recovery to the wounded. The […]

UN chief calls tolerance, understanding and compassion ‘catalysts for peace’

Religion is being distorted to increase differences, Secretary-General António Guterres said, urging the international community to counter such narratives. Speaking Tuesday at a panel discussion on The Role of Religious Leaders in Peacebuilding in the Middle East, the Secretary-General called for expanding the space for dialogue with local and regional leaders, and other people with a voice and […]

ICM Policy Paper: The New Primacy of Partnerships Between the UN, Regional Organizations, Civil Society, and the Private Sector

Over the past few years, the world has been confronted with a series of crises that have challenged perceptions of global stability. Whether a moment of high risk or great opportunity, this is without a doubt a moment of growing complexity. More actors, institutions, and networks of interests are engaged in the international sphere than […]

The 2016 Global Peace Index (GPI): The world became less peaceful in the last year, reinforcing the underlying trend of declining peace over the last decade

The 2016 GPI report provides a comprehensive update on the state of peace. It shows that amidst the global deterioration the world continues to spend enormous resources on creating and containing violence but very little on peace. The key to reversing the decline in peace is through building Positive Peace – a holistic framework of […]

UN urges building more just, equal societies to increase happiness and well-being worldwide

Speaking at an event today marking the International Day of Happiness, the deputy United Nations chief called for more inclusive, equitable and balanced approaches to development that promote sustainability, poverty eradication, happiness and well-being of all peoples. “Many countries have undertaken efforts to develop broader measures of progress, often through public consultations, parliamentary commissions, and […]