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World Cities Day

“Cities are increasingly the home of humanity. They are central to climate action, global prosperity, peace and human rights.” — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon   2016 Theme: Inclusive Cities, Shared Development Recognizing the significance of urban basic services as a foundation for the overall social and economic development, the UN General Assembly designated by resolution 68/239 […]

‘We are not giving up,’ despite evacuation failure – UN envoys on Syria

A boy, displaced from the ongoing conflict in Syria, sits and reads a book in the rubble of destroyed buildings. Photo: UNICEF/UN029875/Al-Issa 27 October 2016 – Expressing their disappointment that the sick and wounded were not evacuated from Syria’s war-torn eastern Aleppo, the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria and his Senior Advisor today vowed […]

Pacific countries step up disaster risk reduction

Pacific countries have pledged to step up efforts to deal with the challenge posed by climate change and the threat of disasters, in order to ensure that their development is sustainable. In a joint declaration wrapping up the three-day Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management, hosted by Fiji, the 17 countries reaffirmed their commitment to […]

Ban condemns outbreak of violence and attacks on UN mission in Central African Republic

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the outbreak of violence, on 24 October, in the Central African Republic’s (CAR) capital, Bangui, that killed at least four civilians and injured nine others. According to a statement issued late yesterday by his office, Mr. Ban also deplored the attacks against the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in […]