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Hunger continues to intensify in conflict zones, UN agencies report to Security Council

Food insecurity – or lack of access to enough food – continues to worsen in places torn by conflict, United Nations agencies reported Monday, listing Yemen, South Sudan and Syria among the countries most affected by acute hunger. Highlighting the extremely critical importance of humanitarian support for affected communities, the report was generated by the […]

UN health agency finds high levels of antibiotic resistance to world’s most common infections

Antimicrobials have been a driver of unprecedented medical and societal advances, but their overuse has resulted in antibiotic resistant bacteria, with the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting new surveillance data on Monday which reveals widespread resistance to some of the world’s most common infections, including E. coli and pneumonia. “The report confirms the serious situation […]

‘We are all at risk’ when humanity’s values are abandoned; UN honours memory of Holocaust victims

Calling on the world to “stand together against the normalization of hate, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has stressed in his message for the International Day dedicated to honouring Holocaust victims that everyone has a responsibility to quickly and decisively resist racism and violence. Mr. Guterres recalled that the International Day, marked annually on 27 […]

UN envoy for Syria to attend Russia-sponsored talks in Sochi

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres will send his Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, to Sochi next week to attend the Russia-sponsored Congress of the Syrian National Dialogue, talks reportedly on a political solution towards ending the seven-year Syrian conflict. Spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said the UN chief, who is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, […]

UN chief urges vigilance against anti-Semitism and discrimination of all kinds

Warning that hate is on the rise and that Nazi symbols, mindsets and languages are back, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called for vigilance against anti-Semitism and discrimination of all kinds. “We must stand together against the normalization of hate,” said the Secretary-General, speaking at the Park East Synagogue in New York, on Saturday. […]

‘Don’t let adults off the hook, keep raising your voices;’ Kids ‘take over’ UN for World Children’s Day

Secretary-General António Guterres and UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake with Children’s Activists for UNICEF World Children’s Day. UN Photo/Kim Haughton 20 November 2017 – It’s official, kids have taken over… at least for today – World Children’s Day – celebrated annually on 20 November, which this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Declaration of […]