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All States have ‘primary responsibility’ to protect against hate attacks

The UN’s top rights official has added her voice to condemnation of the weekend mass-shootings in the cities of El Paso and Dayton, insisting on Tuesday that “not just the US, but all States” should do more to stop discrimination. Speaking to journalists in Geneva, Michelle Bachelet’s spokesperson, Rupert Colville, from the Office of the High Commissioner […]

Help African farmers cope with climate change threats, UN food agency urges

African farmers need help to cope with the threats of climate change, with national policies that protect them and make them resilient, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, has declared, following a major conference on food security in the continent. In a statement released on Tuesday, at the conclusion of the high-level Africa Food Security […]

Intensified Al Qaeda and ISIL activity in Yemen ‘deeply worrying’, says UN Human Rights Office

Armed groups affiliated with the Al Qaeda and ISIL terror groups, appear to have intensified their activities in Yemen, Ravina Shamdasani, a spokesperson for the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) declared on Tuesday, describing the situation as an example of “deeply worrying developments” that have seriously impacted civilians over the past ten days. In a […]

FROM THE FIELD: What do you want to be when you grow up? One day I will…

  One person in every 70 is caught up in a humanitarian crisis right now, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), with women and girls among the most impacted. The harsh reality of rape, early marriage, or sex trafficking or slavery, rarely makes headlines. Nor do girls who […]

Myanmar companies bankroll ‘brutal operations’ of military, independent UN experts claim in new report

IRIN/Steve Sandford Money earned by the Myanmar military from international and domestic business deals, “substantially enhances its ability to carry out gross violations of human rights with impunity” according to a report released on Monday by an independent United Nations group looking into military-business ties in the South East Asian country.   In a statement, […]