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UN Committee says Ebola in DR Congo still an international public health emergency

The Ebola outbreak in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) officially remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, experts meeting in Geneva said on Friday. The World Health Organization (WHO) convened its Emergency Committee on the disease which concluded with a call for sustained political commitment and continued cross-border screenings, among other […]

Syria war: executions condemned as violence continues ‘on both sides’ of border with Turkey

Amid ongoing fighting in northern Syria and disturbing reports that extrajudicial killings have been streamed online, the United Nations and their partners are continuing to deliver humanitarian supplies to tens of thousands of people displaced by the violence, UN agencies stressed on Tuesday. Briefing journalists in Geneva, Jens Laerke from the Office for the Coordination […]

Security Council marks transition from 15 years of UN peacekeeping in Haiti

Although 15 years of UN peacekeeping in Haiti has drawn to a close, the Organization’s commitment to strengthening and stabilizing the country, will continue, the Security Council heard on Tuesday. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, briefed ambassadors on major developments and achievements during this period. “This chapter, which comes to an end today, […]

Alarmingly high’ number of children malnourished worldwide: UNICEF report

Across the globe, at least one-in-three children under-five are malnourished and not developing properly, UNICEF revealed on Tuesday, in its most comprehensive report on children, food and nutrition in 20 years. “An alarmingly high number of children are suffering the consequences of poor diets and a food system that is failing them,” the UN children’s agency (UNICEF) warned. […]