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World Urban Forum ends with call for united action to ensure sustainable future for cities and towns

UN-HABITAT This young lady is participating in the Tenth World Aurban Forum (WUF10), which wrapped up in Abu Dahbi on 13 February 2020. The Forum was established in 2001 by the UN to address one of the most pressing issues facing the world today: rapid urbanization The premier international gathering on the future of cities wrapped up on Thursday in […]

Teenage girls’ education, ‘an indispensable foundation’ for achieving development goals: Guterres

World Bank/Arne Hoel Students in computer programming class at Al Shami Girls Secondary School in the West Bank. Promoting education for adolescent girls is an “indispensable foundation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”,  Secretary-General António Guterres declared at the launch event of the Drive for 5 education initiative at UN Headquarters on Tuesday, hosted by the Irish […]

AU Summit: Guterres calls for ‘collective, comprehensive, coordinated’ response to challenges facing Africa

Daniel Getachew UN Secretary-General António Guterres, addressing the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9 February, 2020. The challenges facing African nations are “complex, multi-faceted and far-reaching” but a “collective, comprehensive and coordinated” response by the global community will build on the momentum that already exists to help the continent thrive, the UN chief told the […]

FROM THE FIELD: ‘Shock and horror’ of military onslaught against Syrians

UNOCHA Many families have been trying to flee an escalation of fighting in northern Syria. A military escalation in northern Syria which has trapped civilians in Idlib has “shocked and horrified” a senior UN humanitarian official. The UN Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Mark Cutts, said that “bombing has just been continuing with […]