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Attacks on civilians, arbitrary arrests, top list of abuses in Libya: ICC Prosecutor

©UNICEF/Giovanni DiffidentiA Somali woman sits with her one-year-old child, in the Ganfoda Detention Centre near Benghazi, after fleeing violence in her country and illegally entering Libya.     Unabated violence, particularly in and around the Libyan capital, has now been raging for more than a year, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) told the Security […]

COVID-19 pandemic exposes global ‘frailties and inequalities’: UN deputy chief

The COVID-19 pandemic which has swept across the developed and developing world is “exposing the frailties and inequalities of our societies,” according to the UN Deputy Secretary-General. Speaking to UN News, Amina Mohammed said that the global crisis unleashed by the virus could and should kickstart efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals, the 17 globally […]

Lift Cuba embargo or risk many lives lost to COVID-19, UN rights experts warn US

UN CubaHealth personnel from the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine in Havana, Cuba    The United States must urgently lift its blockade on Cuba to save lives amid the expanding COVID-19 crisis, UN human rights experts stressed on Thursday, emphasizing that the more than six-decades-old sanctions are impeding the supply of medicine, medical equipment, food […]

Beyond hand washing: maintaining your holistic health during COVID-19

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are frequently told how to look after the health of ourselves and our communities. Maintaining high levels of basic hygiene, including frequent hand washing, has been recommended by health authorities across the globe, from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services to the World Health Organisation. […]

What COVID-19 can learn from climate change: establishing crisis governance

In 2020, we are faced with two simultaneous global crises. The only comfort we may take from this is that both climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic require systems of global governance, and establishing this for one will most likely benefit the other. Climate change experts shed light on this hypothesis at a panel discussion […]

Protect workers during and after lockdowns, urges UN labour agency

Sang Huachao/ Huachao Sang, a doctor from Jiangsu Province is looking at patients’ documents in a shelter hospital in Wuhan.     Marking the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has urged States to take action to prevent and control COVID-19 in the workplace. “The safety and health of our entire workforce […]