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Amid COVID-19, UN commitment to peace ‘more urgent than ever’

UNIFIL Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, UNIFIL and its peacekeeping troops have maintained their daily operational activities along the Blue Line in South Lebanon.     COVID-19 threatens not only hard-won development and peacebuilding gains, but also “risks exacerbating conflicts or fomenting new ones”, the UN chief reminded the Security Council on Wednesday, during a briefing […]

Belarus: UN rights chief condemns violence against protesters, calls for grievances to be heard

UN News/Daniel Johnson – Michele Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (file)    The flow of free information is “crucial” in a democratic society, the UN human rights chief said on Wednesday, spotlighting the landlocked eastern European nation of Belarus, “especially in a context of crisis and social unrest”. Following the announcement by the […]

UNAA joins call to PM to use the SDGs as roadwork to recovery

UNAA has joined with a group of Australian businesses, industry groups, universities and civil society organisations to call on the Federal Government to use the UN SDGs framework to guide policies designed to drive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Co-ordinated by the Global Compact Network Australia, a letter sent to PM Scott Morrison today says […]

‘Immediate humanitarian assistance’ mobilized in force, to support Beirut after deadly blast

UN/Pasqual Gorriz – A UNIFIL Force Commander Reserve team assesses the magnitude of an explosion on Tuesday, 4 August 2020 at Beirut Port. Lebanon.   The response to Tuesday’s explosion in Beirut requires global support in order to “surmount the devastating impact” of the crisis facing the Lebanese people, the UN Deputy Special Coordinator for the […]