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Gender equality key to success for Sustainable Development Goals

Janelle Weissman, Executive Director UN Women Australia joined QUT Business School’s Dr Bree Hurst for a conversation that examined Sustainable Development Goal 5 and what achieving it could mean for Australia’s future. During the recent webinar hosted by QUT Business School and UN Women Australia, audience members were able to participate in a live Q&A. Questions ranged from gender […]

Call for ‘dignity, equality, justice and human rights’ rings out on Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela International Day is an opportunity to reflect on the life and legacy of “a legendary global advocate for dignity, equality, justice and human rights”, the UN chief said on Sunday.   “Each year, on this day, Nelson’s Mandela’s birthday, we pay tribute to this extraordinary man who embodied the highest aspirations of the United Nations and […]

If we act now, the global goals are still within reach

COVID-19 is threatening decades of progress to improve people’s lives across the globe. Unless we take immediate action – now. We already have the best plan for a sustainable, people-centered and planet friendly recovery – the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. What is needed now is to turn these goals into reality, for people and planet. […]

Secretary-General’s SDG Progress Report Recaps Pandemic Impacts on 17 Global Goals

The UN has released an advance version of the UN Secretary-General’s annual report on SDG progress. The report will inform discussions during the July 2021 session of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The 2021 edition of ‘Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals’ is based on available data on the global indicators for the […]