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Drought threatens 1.5 million Somalis; UN health agency scales up response

Less than half of the people in Somalia have access to basic health services, the United Nations health agency today said, announcing that it is scaling up its response in the country amid a severe drought and worsening food crisis. “Somalia is now at a critical point as a result of this drought and environmental […]

UNESCO meeting lays groundwork for reviving, protecting Iraq’s cultural heritage

As details on the destruction of and damage to Iraq’s rich and diverse cultural heritage emerge, the United Nations cultural agency has appealed to the international community to help protect and revive the country’s archaeological, religious and cultural sites for future generations. “This is a turning point for the Iraqi people and for the world’s […]

UN rights experts urge action to curb ‘invisible threat’ of toxic air

United Nations human rights experts are calling for strong, urgent action by States to ensure that people around the world can enjoy the human right to live in environments free from contamination. “Air pollution is a major threat to human rights worldwide and toxic air pollutants are associated with an increased risk of disease from […]

UN health agency reports depression now ‘leading cause of disability worldwide’

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, the United Nations health agency today reported, estimating that it affects more than 300 million people worldwide – the majority of them women, young people and the elderly. An estimated 4.4 per cent of the global population suffers from depression, according to a report released today by […]

‘Turn the tide on plastic’ urges UN, as microplastics in the seas now outnumber stars in our galaxy

Launching an unprecedented global campaign, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is urging everyone to eliminate the use of microplastics and stop the excessive, wasteful use of single-use plastic, to save the world’s seas and oceans from irreversible damage before it’s too late. “Plastic pollution is surfing onto Indonesian beaches, settling onto the ocean floor […]