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Avoid further bloodshed, UN chief urges, as Gaza violence leaves dozens dead

Following reports that dozens of Palestinians have been killed, demonstrating along the border of the Gaza Strip on Monday, United Nations  Secretary-General António Guterres urged both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to show restraint. “The Secretary-General is profoundly alarmed by the sharp escalation of violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the high number of Palestinians killed and injured […]

Honouring Second World War victims, UN chief calls neo-Nazism ‘a spreading cancer’

  Paying tribute to all victims of the Second World War – on whose ashes the United Nations was founded – Secretary-General António Guterres described this year’s commemoration as more meaningful than any that has gone before. “We see a world in which conflict is proliferating, we see a world in which so many wars are taking place, and so I believe it […]

Complex and deadly new threats mean UN missions must adapt, argue Force Commanders

Evolving and increasingly deadly threats, together with deepening humanitarian crises mean that United Nations peacekeeping missions around the world need more support for ‘blue helmets’ on the ground, Force Commanders told the Security Council on Wednesday. In their briefings, military chiefs from the UN peacekeeping operations in Darfur, Mali and South Sudan underscored that these […]

UN chief applauds Malaysians for ‘strong commitment’ to democracy

  United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres congratulated the people of Malaysia on Thursday, following the peaceful holding of national and provincial elections, and praised voters for their “strong commitment” to the democratic process. In a statement issued by his spokesperson, the UN chief welcomed the formation of a new Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Mahathir […]