Category: YP

Why is female genital cutting practised, and what is being done to eliminate it?

Today marks International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). First observed in 2012, the United Nations General Assembly declared 6 February as a day to raise awareness of, educate the public about, and encourage local and international action to end FGM. What is female genital mutilation? Female genital mutilation (FGM) is universally […]

Uncomfortable bedfellows: balancing health and economics in a global crisis

COVID-19 threatens the health and wellbeing of millions of people the world over, through malnutrition, preventable disease, delayed diagnoses and psychological hardship. All these threats co-exist with the threat of the virus itself, and are consequences of economic and social ‘lockdowns’ imposed by governments to curb the spread of COVID-19.  Understanding the intimate link between […]

The crisis behind closed doors: a look into the ‘shadow pandemic’

Although we are currently facing a public health crisis, COVID-19 has also caused a surge in intimate partner violence (IPV), negatively affecting our world’s pursuit of SDG #5: Gender Equality. While stage three restrictions have been reinforced in order to control the pandemic’s spread in Metropolitan Melbourne, stay-at-home mandates have also left many women and […]

The digital divide: lessons COVID-19 taught us about the digital exclusion of students from low socio-economic backgrounds

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators across the globe have been required to establish learning from home for school students, resulting in the rapid roll out of remote online learning. In light of this phenomenon, this article discusses the impact of remote online learning on Australia’s advancement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 […]