Category: Violence Against Women

‘Spotlight Initiative’ can make violence against women a thing of the past, says UN deputy chief

  The launch of a new partnership between the United Nations and European Union, is an essential tool to make violence against women and girls “a thing of the past”, said UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed on Tuesday. Addressing a leading forum on development in Brussels, known as European Development Days, Ms. Mohammed said that the joint Spotlight Initiative was […]

International Women’s Day: The ‘time is now’ to transform global push for women’s rights into action – UN

  This year, International Women’s Day comes at a pivotal moment, and with a wave women’s activism – from the #MeToo movement to #TimesUp and beyond – exposing the structures that have allowed women’s oppression to flourish, the United Nations is urging the world to stand with rural and urban women activists to topple the […]

With rising number of girls at risk, world in ‘race against time’ to end female genital mutilation – UN

Female genital mutilation is a violent act that, among other things, causes infection, disease, childbirth complications and death, said the Executive Directors of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in a joint statement for the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Describing FGM as “a cruel […]

#MeToo movement stems from impunity and culture of silence, senior UN official writes

Casual indifference to sexual harassment is unacceptable, the head of the United Nations entity mandated to promote gender equality today said, urging women and men to change their response to acts of sexual aggression. In an opinion piece, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, pointed to the “pain and anger” of […]

Sexual violence in conflict ‘legitimate threat’ to peace and security – UN deputy chief

Although global understanding of sexual violence in conflict is shifting, there remains the need to tackle the root causes of such violations that lie in fundamental inequality and discrimination against women, Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed told the United Nations Security Council today. “Sexual violence in conflict is no longer seen as ‘merely a women’s issue’ […]