Category: Food Insecurity

One-third of Afghans need urgent humanitarian aid, millions suffer ‘acute food insecurity’

Over the last three months (August to October 2019), around one-third of the Afghan population required urgent humanitarian action, according to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Alert, released on Monday, which declares that some 10.23 million people are living in a state of “severe acute food insecurity”. The IPC, a coalition of […]

Alarmingly high’ number of children malnourished worldwide: UNICEF report

Across the globe, at least one-in-three children under-five are malnourished and not developing properly, UNICEF revealed on Tuesday, in its most comprehensive report on children, food and nutrition in 20 years. “An alarmingly high number of children are suffering the consequences of poor diets and a food system that is failing them,” the UN children’s agency (UNICEF) warned. […]

Attack on Saudi facilities risks dragging Yemen into ‘regional conflagration’: UN Envoy

Attacks against oil facilities in Saudi Arabia over the weekend, claimed by rebel fighters in Yemen, are a sign that the war-torn country could be drawn into even greater conflict, the top United Nations official there told the Security Council on Monday. Special Envoy Martin Griffiths said there is “no time to waste” in ending […]

North Koreans trapped in ‘vicious cycle of deprivation, corruption, repression’ and endemic bribery: UN human rights office

Bribery is the main way people in North Korea get food, healthcare, shelter and work, a new UN human rights office report said on Tuesday. Based on more than 200 first-hand accounts of escapees from the country, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the report asserts that the State-run public distribution […]

Acute food insecurity ‘far too high’ UN agency warns, as 113 million go hungry

Approximately 113 million people in 53 countries experienced high levels of food insecurity last year, according to a new joint UN and European Union (EU) report released on Tuesday, which warns that these crises are primarily driven by conflict and climate-related disasters. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP) and EU “Global […]

‘Shared responsibility’ to stop 420,000 needless deaths from tainted food each year, UN, world leaders warn

World Bank/Arne Hoel Tomato stand in market near Ramallah’s main mosque. Each year, food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins or chemicals cause more than 600 million people to fall ill, and 420,000 to die worldwide, prompting a call from world leaders on Tuesday for greater international cooperation to make the food chain safer. On […]