Category: Education

UN celebrates books as ‘bridges across cultures’

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO has long celebrated the power of International Book and Copyright Day, marked on 23 April, but this year, special attention is being paid to the protection of indigenous languages, many of which are threatened with extinction. Beyond just pure enjoyment, books have always been considered a bridge between generations […]

Urgently address ‘defining challenges of our time’, to empower youth worldwide, top UN official tells forum

Young people require “skills, values, jobs and livelihoods that empower them” so they can help forge a more sustainable world, the President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) said on Monday, kicking off its eighth Annual Youth Forum. President of ECOSOC, Inga Rhonda King (centre), addresses the ECOSOC Youth Forum, 8 April 2019., by UN Photo/Evan […]

Ending marginalization of persons with disabilities ‘a matter of justice’, UN-backed summit told

Inclusive education, economic empowerment and technological innovations were the focus of discussion on Tuesday as world leaders gathered in London for the first-ever United Nations-backed Global Disability Summit. Ahead of the Summit, Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed cited the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and a universally-adopted UN Convention as well-established commitments for advancing the rights of persons with disabilities. […]

‘It’s her turn,’ says UN agency, issuing global call to close critical gap in refugee girls’ education

By secondary-level education, refugee girls are only half as likely as their male peers to enrol in school – even though they make up half of the school-age refugee population, according to a new study released Wednesday by the United Nations refugee agency. “It is time for the international community to recognize the injustice of […]

‘Don’t let adults off the hook, keep raising your voices;’ Kids ‘take over’ UN for World Children’s Day

Secretary-General António Guterres and UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake with Children’s Activists for UNICEF World Children’s Day. UN Photo/Kim Haughton 20 November 2017 – It’s official, kids have taken over… at least for today – World Children’s Day – celebrated annually on 20 November, which this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Declaration of […]