Month: March 2020

Sudan Prime Minister survives attempted assassination

  Sudan’s Prime Minister survived a reported assassination attempt in the capital Khartoum on Monday, tweeting after the incident that he was “safe and in good shape”. Briefing reporters, the UN’s Spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, said UN chief António Guterres was “shocked and saddened” to learn of the attack, and expressed “full solidarity” with the Prime Minister and people of […]

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar praised as ‘accomplished statesman’ who had ‘profound impact’ on the world

UN Photo/Milton Grant The UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar visits Katatura, a black township of Windhoek, Namibia in July 1989. Javier Pérez  de Cuéllar, the fifth United Nations Secretary-General, praised for his ability to foster dialogue and for leading the Organization through a turbulent decade, has passed away at the age of 100. A veteran Peruvian diplomat, lawyer and professor, he is the first and only Latin American […]

International Women’s Day: progress on gender equality remains slow

© UNICEF/Jannatul Mawa Women in Bangladesh stand up for gender equality. Women’s Rights in Review, 25 years after Beijing takes stock of how the landmark gender equality plan, the Beijing Platform for Action, is being implemented and calls for greater parity and justice. Women’s Rights in Review takes a closer look at how far we’ve really come […]

Yemen: UN Population Fund stresses women’s needs, amidst world’s worst humanitarian crisis

Intense clashes in Yemen’s Al Hazam City, this month have caused massive displacement with an estimated 1,800 families forced to flee their homes, according to a flash update from UN humanitarian coordination office, OCHA. The new fighting exacerbates displacement caused by renewed clashes involving pro-Government forces and Houthi rebels around Marib, Sana’a and Al Jawf Governorates, which forced 5,000 families to flee their homes, according to a situation […]