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UN global education envoy urges new funding for ‘lost generation’ of children forced out of classrooms by conflict

  A child’s “real passport” to the future – education – should be stamped in the classroom, not at a border checkpoint, UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown said on Tuesday. Ensuring that the world’s children have a place in school classroom is essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which calls for quality […]

Not enough resettlement solutions for refugees worldwide, says UN

Despite record numbers of people forcibly displaced across borders, with 1.2 million in need of a new permanent place to call home last year, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) released new data on Tuesday showing that only 55,700 of them – 4.7 per cent – were able to be resettled in 2018. Resettlement, which involves […]

UN and partners appeal for $920 million to meet ‘dire needs’ of Rohingya refugees

With more than 745,000 Rohingya having fled violence in Myanmar to settle in Bangladesh, joining roughly 200,000 others already sheltering there, United Nations aid agencies and partners launched an appeal on Friday to help meet their “dire needs”. The 2019 Joint Response Plan for the Rohingya humanitarian crisis seeks to raise $920 million to assist more than […]

‘New tech’ business model threatens decent work conditions, warns UN

  Unemployment is down globally but workers’ conditions have not improved, the UN said on Wednesday, warning that some businesses driven by new technology “threaten to undermine” hard-won social gains of recent decades. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), most of the 3.3 billion people employed worldwide in 2018 did not enjoy adequate levels of economic security, […]