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Turn toxic e-waste into a source of ‘decent work’, UN labour agency urges

A “toxic flood of electric and electronic waste” that is growing by the day across the world, should be urgently converted into a source of decent work, that can also protect populations from its harmful effects, the United Nations labour agency said on Wednesday. Governments, workers and employer organizations reached agreement at a meeting of […]

Nicaragua crisis: One year in, more than 60,000 have fled, seeking refuge

Doctors, journalists, students and farmers are among more than 60,000 Nicaraguans who have fled the country in fear of their lives since anti-Government demonstrations began last April, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, said on Tuesday. Echoing concerns from the UN’s human rights office, OHCHR, and others about the deteriorating situation in the Central American country, UNHCR said that families […]

Timor-Leste’s Commitment to Customary Justice and Conservation Sets Examples For Other Countries

The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, says Timor-Leste’s drive to promote indigenous customary practices has contributed to the progress in building the nation since the restoration of independence less than 20 years ago. “I am impressed by the pride the Timorese take in their cultural heritage and how indigenous […]

Cholera surges, children in urgent need one month after Idai slammed southern Africa: UNICEF

One month after Cyclone Idai devastated parts of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) appealed to the international community to  help some 1.6 million children still reeling from its impact. “Children living in crowded shelters or away from their homes are at risk of diseases, exploitation and abuse,” said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director, who […]

Impact of high debt levels on least developed countries ‘cannot be overstated’, says UN

  The impact of high levels of debt on development efforts “cannot be overstated”, the head of the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) told a Ministerial Breakfast Meeting on least developed countries (LDCs) on Saturday. “While debt financing remains an important source for achieving positive development outcomes in LDCs, the recent trends are a cause for concern” UNDP […]

Greater transparency, fairer prices for medicines ‘a global human rights issue’, says UN health agency

  While developing countries have long struggled with the price of medicines, today’s costs have rendered it a world-wide challenge, and the key topic of concern at a global medicines forum in South Africa, co-sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO). “This is a global human rights issue”, said WHO Assistant Director-General for Medicines and Health Products Mariângela Simão on Saturday […]