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Security Council resolution endorses moves towards long-sought Afghanistan peace

  The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Tuesday afternoon welcoming recent steps towards ending the conflict in Afghanistan. All 15 members supported the resolution, tabled by the United States, which endorses a joint US-Afghan declaration on peace and an agreement signed between Washington and the Taliban. “The developments endorsed by this resolution are the […]

Amid COVID-19 constraints, UN women’s commission meets to push gender equality forward

Despite constraints imposed by the new coronavirus disease, activists for gender equality gathered at UN Headquarters on Monday for the latest session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), to reinforce the message that women’s rights are human rights. Member States adopted a Political Declaration in which they pledged to step up action to fully […]

No sustainable development or peace without women: UN deputy chief

The world will not be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) if half the planet is left behind, the UN Deputy Secretary-General said in Papua New Guinea on Sunday: International Women’s Day. Amina J. Mohammed was speaking in the capital, Port Moresby, where she participated in the national launch of the Spotlight Initiative, a European Union-UN partnership to eliminate […]

Sudan Prime Minister survives attempted assassination

  Sudan’s Prime Minister survived a reported assassination attempt in the capital Khartoum on Monday, tweeting after the incident that he was “safe and in good shape”. Briefing reporters, the UN’s Spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, said UN chief António Guterres was “shocked and saddened” to learn of the attack, and expressed “full solidarity” with the Prime Minister and people of […]