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The Pandemic Forces UN Women to Shelve the Feminist Forums Until 2021

April 3, 2020 by Barbara Crossette UN Women is postponing two long-planned international meetings designed to give civil society groups a leading role in advancing gender rights 25 years after a landmark 1995 Beijing conference on women. The two sessions of the Global Equality Forum that had been planned for Mexico City in May and Paris in July will […]

IPA, WHO and UNICEF launch Read the World on International Children’s Book Day to support children and young people in isolation

UNICEF/UN0319172 NEW YORK/GENEVA, 2 April 2020 – Much-loved children’s authors are joining an initiative to read extracts of their books to millions of children and young people currently living in isolation amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the World is a collaboration between the International Publishers Association (IPA), the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF. It kicks off today, […]

UN launches COVID-19 plan that could ‘defeat the virus and build a better world’

Source: The UN chief launched on Tuesday a new plan to counter the potentially devastating socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, calling on everyone to “act together to lessen the blow to people”. “The new coronavirus disease is attacking societies at their core, claiming lives and people’s livelihoods”, said Secretary-General António Guterres, pointing out that the potential longer-term […]

UN launches major humanitarian appeal to keep COVID-19 from ‘circling back around the globe’

UN Photo/Mark Garten UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launches a COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan with Under- Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock, WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. To confront the unprecedented worldwide challenge posed by the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, top UN officials on Wednesday, launched a massive humanitarian appeal to […]

Coronavirus update: new WHO fund, Guterres calls for ‘prudence, not panic’

UN Photo/Loey Felipe A man wearing a face mask to prevent infection by the COVID-19 virus walks on the streets of a semi-deserted New York City. In a video message recorded on Friday afternoon, UN chief António Guterres assured the world that the COVID-19 virus will peak, and the global economy will recover but, until […]

More support needed for victims of sexual abuse by UN personnel

MONUSCO/Michael Ali The UN Trust Fund in support of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse has supported women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo receive vocational trainings like mushroom farming. (October 2018) Although measures to support victims of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) committed by UN personnel are proving effective, there is still room to do more, the senior official leading […]