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Time is running out for Libya, UN chief warns Security Council

OCHA/Giles ClarkeBoys walk through Benghazi Old Town in Libya.     With battle lines shifting, foreign interference growing, thousands fleeing their homes and COVID-19 cases on the rise, time is running out for bringing a peaceful end to the conflict in Libya, Secretary-General António Guterres says. Briefing the Security Council on Wednesday, the UN chief described the context in […]

Independent rights expert speaks of ‘anguish, stress and disempowerment’ of poverty

FAOThe Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and China’s Tsinghua University built an innovative lab to experiment on new methods to reduce poverty.    More than 70 million people are expected to fall into extreme poverty because of COVID-19, the UN Human Rights Council heard on Tuesday, as a leading rights expert slammed “greatly exaggerated” claims of […]

SDGs – roadmap to build back better, greener and fairer

From 7 – 16 July, the UN will use this year’s virtual High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to discuss how the SDGs can help the world build back better. The COVID-19 crisis is taking a grim toll on human lives across the globe. Although the complete impact is yet to be fully comprehended, […]

Protecting migrant workers in Kuwait: a Resident Coordinator’s blog

ILO/Apex ImageA man prepares tea in a coffee shop in Kuwait.     In Kuwait, the UN has played an important role in countering xenophobic rhetoric, falsely blaming the spread of COVID-19 on migrant workers. In this opinion piece, Tarek El Sheikh, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the country, highlights the efforts being made to safeguard […]

Australia 37th on SDG progress, COVID-19 response could help our future impact

Australia has moved up one ranking from 38 to 37 in the annual Sustainable Development Report which shows progress against the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Click here for Australia’s report. And while this shows we still have a lot of room for improvement, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Australia Chair John Thwaites says Australia’s strong response to COVID-19 […]