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75 years after the bomb, Hiroshima still chooses ‘reconciliation and hope’

UN Photo/Eluchi Matsumoto – There was widespread destruction in Hiroshima as a result of the nuclear bomb which was dropped on the Japanese city in August 1945.     In a video message delivered to a Peace Memorial Ceremony in Japan on Thursday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has paid tribute to the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which devastated the […]

Independent rights experts call on India to remedy ‘alarming’ situation in Jammu and Kashmir

© John Isaac – Friday prayers in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.  UN-appointed independent human rights experts have called for urgent action in India’s Jammu and Kashmir, amid concerns of ongoing abuses against civilians there. The appeal comes a year after the Indian Parliament revoked the special status of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, which provided partial […]

Young people ‘not invincible’ in COVID-19 pandemic: WHO chief

UN News/Daniel Dickinson – A park in Brooklyn, New York, has marked out circles in order to enforce social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.     Although older people are among those at highest risk of COVID-19, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has reminded younger generations that they are “not invincible” when it comes […]

Yemen: Crisis reaches new low, top UN officials tell Security Council

© UNOCHA/Mahmoud Fadel – Women queue at a distribution point in Kharaz Camp, Yemen, where measures are being taken to protect beneficiaries and staff against COVID-19.    The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has never been worse, with conflict escalating, famine on the horizon, the economy in tatters and COVID-19 out of control, senior UN officials told the Security […]

The crisis behind closed doors: a look into the ‘shadow pandemic’

Although we are currently facing a public health crisis, COVID-19 has also caused a surge in intimate partner violence (IPV), negatively affecting our world’s pursuit of SDG #5: Gender Equality. While stage three restrictions have been reinforced in order to control the pandemic’s spread in Metropolitan Melbourne, stay-at-home mandates have also left many women and […]