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LIVE: UN ‘only as strong as its members’ Guterres tells UN75 event, looking to the future

© UNDP India The Indian Government is ensuring that youth volunteers are a part of the conversation and action in meeting their sustainable development goals. On Monday the UN marks the 75 years of the Organization with a High-level meeting featuring many world leaders. The theme is, “The future we want, the United Nations we […]

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Shortsighted and ‘stupid mistake’ not to support affordable COVID vaccine for all, says Guterres

UN News/Ben Dotsei Malor – UN News’ May Yaacoub interviews UN Secretary-General António Guterres.     The march of COVID-19 which has “put us on our knees”, should be a lesson in humility for world leaders, and a lack of solidarity on the part of some richer nations towards developing countries, means we will all pay a heavy […]

Governments urged to protect poor against modern slavery, step up development financing

© UNICEF/Alessio Romenzi A Nigerian girl, pregnant with twins after being forced into prostitution following her arrival in Italy via the Mediterranean Sea route from Libya, stands in a home run by an Italian NGO where she is being sheltered in Asti, Piedmont region, Italy. (2017)   Unless governments act now, millions of the world’s most vulnerable people […]

Quiet corridors but a full programme at virtual UNGA75: five things you need to know

UN Photo/Manuel Elias A cleaning crew member operates a mopping vehicle inside the General Assembly Hall.   The 75th UN General Assembly (UNGA) session, begins on 15 September and this year, due to the ongoing global pandemic, it will be unlike any other in the organization’s three quarters of a century of existence.  This month, there […]

Security Council demands an end to attacks on schools worldwide

UNICEF/Christopher Morris Masha Khromchenko stands in the kindergarten classroom that took a direct hit from a shell in the Luhansk region, Ukraine. (23 September 2018)   The Security Council on Thursday demanded a halt to attacks on schools, together with students and teachers in conflict zones around the world, in a presidential statement coinciding with the first International Day to […]

Belarus: Ensure ‘full respect’ for workers’ rights during protests, ILO urges President Lukashenko

Kseniya Halubovich A large crowd protesting in Belarus.   Voicing deep concern over detention and arrests of trade unionists in Belarus, the head of the UN International Labour Organization (ILO) called on President Alexander Lukashenko to ensure a climate free from violence and intimidation against peacefully protesting workers.  According to ILO, six trade unionists were detained by the […]