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Too late to put women at centre of recovery efforts? No. But so far world is failing

The UNDP gender tracker found Australia has introduced zero COVID response measures targetting women’s economic security. Just one in eight countries have introduced measures across all three priority areas. Back in April, UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged the world to “put women and girls at the centre of recovery efforts” as the UN released a report highlighting […]

Guterres urges more countries to step up and fund global COVID-19 vaccine effort

University of Oxford/John Cairns Samples are tested by scientists at Oxford University’s Jenner Institute as the development of a vaccine against the coronavirus continues.    The UN Secretary-General on Wednesday called for all nations to provide further urgently needed funds – the equivalent of the total spent on cigarettes worldwide every two weeks – on behalf […]

As historic virtual debate wraps, ‘our political leaders demonstrated their commitment to multilateralism,’ says UN Assembly President

UN Photo/Loey Felipe Volkan Bozkir, President of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, delivers closing remarks to the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-fifth session.     For the first time in the history of the United Nations, global leaders were not able to meet in person for the General Assembly’s annual debate, but […]

Illicit capital robbing Africa and its people of their future: UN trade and development chief

Unsplash/Jason Leung UNCTAD’s Economic Development in Africa Report 2020 states that illicit financial flows rob Africa of $89 billion each year.     Every year, an estimated $88.6 billion, which is equivalent to 3.7% of Africa’s GDP, leaves the continent in the form of illicit capital, according to UN trade and development agency UNCTAD’s Economic Development in Africa Report […]

Pacific small islands and ‘Big Ocean’ nations at UN Assembly make the case for climate action, shift to clean energy

UNDP Tuvalu/Aurélia Rusek The low-lying island nation, Tuvalu, in the Pacific Ocean is particularly susceptible to higher sea levels caused by climate change. Facing constant threats from climate change and wary of the possible spread of COVID-19 to their shores, Pacific Island leaders on Friday touted their own environmental action plans and called for more […]

Impact on workers of COVID-19 is ‘catastrophic’: ILO

ILO/KB Mpofu Martha Maocha runs a detergent manufacturing company but has recently started making hand sanitising gel which protects against COVID-19.    COVID-19 has had a “catastrophic” impact on workers, the head of the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Wednesday, with lost working hours higher than originally forecast, and equivalent to 495 million full-time jobs globally in the second quarter of the year.  The bleak news from ILO Director-General Guy […]