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Handling Zelensky: The UN’s Dilemma

April 18, 2022 by Stephen Schlesinger The United Nations has been widely criticized for failing to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Critics point out that Russia has vetoed every action in the Security Council to stymie or end the Russian attack. Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky even told the Council earlier this month that given its many standoffs, […]

Ukraine war: Trauma ‘risks destroying a generation’, Security Council hears

© WHO/Anastasia Vlasova, An injured girl rests in a medical ward in Kyiv, Ukraine, after her car was shelled.  11 April 2022 Peace and Security Increasing reports of sexual violence and human trafficking in Ukraine – allegedly committed against women and children in the context of massive displacement and the ongoing Russian invasion – are raising […]

COVID-19 vaccine access in conflict areas remains critical

© WFP/Hussam Al Saleh, Displaced families wait in line for monthly food rations in Damascus, Syria. 11 April 2022 Peace and Security Although safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations are available, the pandemic is still far from over, and countries affected by conflict are in danger of being left behind, the UN Security Council heard on Monday.  […]

A third of the world remains totally unvaccinated against COVID: Tedros

© UNICEF/Vinay PanjwaniA woman wears a face mask in Rajasthan, India.    30 March 2022Health A third of the world’s population has yet to receive a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine, including a shocking 83 per cent of all Africans, said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday. “This is not acceptable to me, and it should […]

Ukraine invasion: Guterres appeals for ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire’

© UNICEF/Anton Skyba for The Globe and MailOn 25 February 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine, a girl looks at a crater left by an explosion in front of an apartment building which was heavily damaged during ongoing military operations. 28 March 2022 Peace and Security The UN Secretary-General appealed for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Ukraine on Monday, so […]