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UN seeks $80 million to support refugees in Ethiopia

Two United Nations humanitarian agencies are jointly seeking $80 million to provide food assistance to refugees in Ethiopia, which hosts the second largest number of those in Africa. In a news release issued Wednesday, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said that food ration was cut by 20 […]

International Women’s Day: The ‘time is now’ to transform global push for women’s rights into action – UN

  This year, International Women’s Day comes at a pivotal moment, and with a wave women’s activism – from the #MeToo movement to #TimesUp and beyond – exposing the structures that have allowed women’s oppression to flourish, the United Nations is urging the world to stand with rural and urban women activists to topple the […]

Sea boundaries treaty by Australia and Timor-Leste ‘example to follow’ – UN chief

Australia and Timor-Leste on Tuesday signed a bilateral maritime boundaries treaty, which United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres hailed as a ground-breaking event that could inspire other countries to peacefully settle disputes through mediation. The treaty establishing their maritime boundaries in the Timor Sea was signed at UN Headquarters in the presence of Mr. Guterres, putting an end […]

Deakin University joins with UNAA Victoria to deliver 17 Goals in 2018 program

In 2018, UNAA Victoria has proudly partnered with Deakin University to deliver the 17 Goals in 2018 program of events and activities. Deakin University is a proud signatory to the University Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals. Universities, including Deakin, are in the privileged position of equipping the next generation of leaders, innovators and thinkers to understand […]

‘It’s her turn,’ says UN agency, issuing global call to close critical gap in refugee girls’ education

By secondary-level education, refugee girls are only half as likely as their male peers to enrol in school – even though they make up half of the school-age refugee population, according to a new study released Wednesday by the United Nations refugee agency. “It is time for the international community to recognize the injustice of […]