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UN human rights experts urge Viet Nam not to stifle dissenting voices

  United Nations experts have urged Viet Nam not to crackdown on civil society or stifle dissent, after the authorities jailed several human rights defenders for “conducting activities to overthrow the people’s government” – a charge that carries the possibility of the death sentence or life imprisonment. These activities have received rulings, with the founder […]

Syria: Break impasse in Security Council, avoid situation ‘spiraling out of control’ – UN chief

  Amid the risks of the situation in Syria “spiraling out of control,” the United Nations chief has appealed to the five permanent members of the Security Council to break the current deadlock on reported use of chemical weapons in the war-torn country. “I have also been closely following developments in the Security Council and regret that […]

Afghan conflict causes more than 2,000 civilian casualties in first quarter of 2018, UN mission reports

  Armed conflict in Afghanistan killed 763 civilians and injured 1,495 in the first three months of this year, the United Nations mission there said Thursday. “All parties to the conflict in Afghanistan must do everything in their power to protect civilians from harm,” said Ingrid Hayden, the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan. “Afghan civilians […]

WHO demands ‘unhindered access’ to site of suspected chemical attack in Syria

The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday said that it has received reports that an estimated 500 patients at Syrian health facilities have exhibited signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals, after the shelling of a Damascus suburb over the weekend. “We should all be outraged at these horrific reports and images from Douma,” […]