Category: Health

Somewhere, every five seconds, a child under-15 dies: new UN report

Around 6.3 million children under the age of 15, died from mostly preventable causes last year, the equivalent to 1 child dying every 5 seconds, according to a new report compiled by a group of United Nations agencies. Newborn babies account for half of the deaths. The new mortality estimates study, was released on Monday […]

Syria: WHO appeals for funding to sustain critical health care for millions trapped by conflict

With conflict raging in northwest Syria, the United Nations health agency has appealed for $11 million to provide life-saving care to parts of Aleppo, Hama, Idleb and Lattakia governorates. “The health situation in north-west Syria is already dire and looks set to deteriorate,” said Michel Thieren, Regional Emergencies Director for the World Health Organization (WHO). “If WHO does not […]

HIV/AIDS still impacting work and costing billions in lost earnings – new UN agency report

Outlining the economic and social toll HIV and AIDS continues to take on workers around the world, the International Labour Organization (ILO) called on Thursday for an “urgent effort” to improve treatment, step up testing and ensure healthier and more productive workplaces. Prepared in collaboration with the UN agency dedicated to tackling the virus, UNAIDS, The […]

Ebola outbreak puts DR Congo on an ‘epidemiological knife-edge’

  The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remains on an “epidemiological knife-edge” regarding the spread of deadly Ebola disease, despite the quick response by authorities and international partners to the threat, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remains on an “epidemiological knife-edge” regarding the spread […]

Emergency meeting called as Ebola spreads to Congolese city – UN health agency

The World Health Organization (WHO) is convening an emergency meeting on Friday to “consider the international risks” of the latest outbreak of the deadly disease Ebola, which has now moved to an urban area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). One new case of Ebola virus disease has been confirmed in Mbandaka, a city […]