Month: May 2018

‘Durable solutions’ needed for durable peace in Darfur, UN envoy tells Security Council

  The overall security situation in Sudan’s Darfur region “remains calm”, despite continuing low-level skirmishes, a top United Nations envoy said on Thursday; updating the Security Council on the UN mission’s work on the ground. “The general security situation in Darfur remains calm, except for sporadic clashes between the Sudan Liberation Army of Mr. Abdul […]

UN chief hails Japan-China-South Korea cooperation to ‘denuclearize’ Peninsula

United Nations chief António Guterres has welcomed the Japan-China-South Korea summit held on Wednesday and their effort to cooperate in ridding the Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons. The Secretary-General “welcomes” the trilateral meeting and their cooperation for “the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” said his Spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, in a statement issued on Thursday. “The Secretary-General […]

UNICEF urges wealthy countries to encourage more breastfeeding

  Babies in wealthy countries are five times more likely to miss out on breastfeeding than those in the under-developed, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Thursday, explaining that this gap could be addressed by better support for working mothers, and regulating sales of infant formula. Some 7.6 million babies across the world are not […]

Afghanistan: Violence at voter registration sites ‘assault on democracy,’ UN envoy warns

  Afghanistan has suffered “a disturbing pattern” of attacks on voter registration facilities since the process began last month, which add up to an “assault on democracy”, the United Nations mission there said Thursday. According to a new report from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), 23 election-related security incidents have already been recorded since voter […]

Avoid ‘new conflagration’ urges UN chief, in wake of military escalation in Golan

The United Nations chief has called for an immediate halt to all hostile acts and provocative actions to “avoid a new conflagration” in the Middle East, following reported exchanges of artillery fire over the Golan Heights. According to media reports, the Israeli military attacked Iranian military installations in neighbouring Syria in retaliation for an Iranian-instigated […]

‘Fabric of society’ at risk in Bosnia and Herzegovina, UN Security Council told

With elections looming, tensions across Bosnia and Herzegovina are rising alongside inflammatory rhetoric against the country’s long-standing peace agreement, a senior figure monitoring its implementation has warned. Valentin Inzko, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, told the Security Council on Tuesday that the situation was being heightened by a “general trend” towards stockpiling weapons […]