Month: May 2018

Leaders obliged to confront anti-Semitism ‘everywhere and always’, stresses UN envoy

The United Nations’ top official for the Middle East Peace Process has said that spreading “deeply disturbing” conspiracy theories which fuel anti-Semitism are unacceptable, and serve neither the interests of Palestinians themselves, or the pursuit of peace in the region. UN Special Coordinator Nikolay Mladenov was responding to remarks which were made by Palestinian President […]

Central African Republic: UN urges calm in wake of violence in capital Bangui

  The United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) has appealed for calm following fresh violence in the capital Bangui which claimed the lives of several civilians, including a religious leader. “MINUSCA [the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the CAR] condemns attacks against civilians and places of worship and emphasizes that such […]

UN ready to discuss ‘possible forms of support’ to further inter-Korean peace efforts

  Secretary-General António Guterres has said that the United Nations stands ready to discuss “possible forms of support” to further inter-Korean talks over denuclearizing the Peninsula, and working towards a lasting peace. That call for support includes UN assistance in verifying the imminent closure of a nuclear test site in the north, and transforming the buffer […]

Women journalists in Afghanistan defiant in the face of violence

  The dangers of working as a journalist in Afghanistan have been dramatically underlined by an attack in the capital Kabul on Monday in which nine Afghan photographers and reporters were killed. They had gone to report on a suicide attack, and were targeted by a second suicide bomber when they arrived on the scene. […]

Nations begin drafting ‘operating manual’ for climate action at UN conference in Bonn

The latest round of United Nations climate change negotiations began on Monday in Bonn, Germany, to further develop the “operating manual” for implementing the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to keep temperature rises this century, well below 2 degrees Celsius. “We are witnessing the severe impacts of climate change throughout the world”, said the Executive Secretary […]