Month: November 2016

Almost one in seven children breathing heavily toxic air – UNICEF report

About 300 million children in the world are living in areas with outdoor air so toxic – six or more times higher than international pollution guidelines – that it can cause serious health damage, including harming their developing brains, a new United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report has revealed. “Pollutants don’t only harm children’s developing […]

South Sudan: Ban to put in place measures to improve UN Mission’s ability to protect civilians

In light of the “serious shortcomings” revealed by an independent inquiry into the response of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) after violence broke out in an around its premises in the capital, Juba, in July, Secretary-General Ban Ki moon will introduce a raft of measures to bolster its protection of civilians, including through greater accountability of uniformed and civilian personnel.