
39th UN-Water Meeting: A clean water future and UN World Water Day film screening

A view of the room at IFAD Headquarters

UN-Water Members and Partners gathered at their biannual meeting to discuss how the UN family can “deliver as one” in response to water- and sanitation-related challenges. A particular focus for the first day of the 39th UN-Water Meeting was preparations for conferences on water for sustainable development to be convened in 2026 and 2028, as called for by a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2023. This same resolution called for the Secretary-General to present the first-ever UN system-wide water and sanitation strategy. 


We will be hosting our own water-centred event on Wed 20 March in partnership with UNAAV Young Professionals.

In recognition of UN World Water Day, we will be screening a short film from the Australian Conservation Foundation, Heart of Country, that focuses on the importance of waterways – followed by drinks and networking.