UNAAV Events

YP Swap & Meet

A Swap & Meet is where participants bring previously loved clothes and books that they no longer have use for.
The fundamental principle is to promote #sustainability and reduce waste by giving these neglected items a new lease on life with individuals who will make good use of them.

Such an event fosters a sense of community collaboration where individuals connect, find value in what might otherwise go unused, and at the same time share stories about the items they’re swapping. Every item has a unique history and story to tell.

It is a practical and eco-friendly way for participants to refresh their belongings and build camaraderie with their peers.

This type of #recycling and story-telling promotes individual and collective responsibility, working to reduce the demand for new products in the contemporary world of mass consumerism. In consequence, also decreasing the negative environmental consequences associated with manufacturing and transportation.

We need to be cognisant of where our clothes may have come from to bring awareness for how it may influence our actions in the future.

The YP Swap & Meet looks to foster connections between like-minded participants and reduce waste in a fun and eco-conscious way, encouraging everyone to make sustainability an integral part of everyday life.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Cost: $5 for members, $10 for non-members.

Consider joining our YP community by becoming a member for only $30 a year by clickin our link in bio and choose the Young Professionals option.

• Any items that are not swapped are encouraged to either be taken home by the individual or if suitable, will be donated to Save the Children by the UNAAV Young Professionals Committee who have formulated an arrangement.


Riley Aickin – Partnerships & UPtex Manager at UpparelAs UPPAREL’s Partnerships and UPtex Manager

Riley helps Australian businesses turn their textile waste into a valuable resource with limitless potential. Supporting the circular economy through the creation of high-value recycled products, that can be recycled indefinitely, Riley strives to reduce the use of virgin materials and leave the world in a better place for generations to come. UPPAREL is Australia’s most trusted, transparent and traceable textile recovery and recycling company with a vision to eradicate textile waste from landfills.

Dr Saniyat Islam – Senior lecturer in Fashion Enterprise and Sustainable Innovation, RMIT University

Dr Saniyat Islam’s contributions to the discipline of fashion enterprise occur through the interlacing of the Engagement, Education and Research domains. He firmly believes that imaginative and rigorous teaching is at the core of the transformative student experience. As a senior lecturer in Fashion Enterprise and Sustainable Innovation at the School of Fashion and Textiles, his key research expertise is in Textile Materials and Polymer Science.