UNAAV Events

A Summit of the Future Roundtable

The Future of Peace and Security

We invite you to join leading Australian thinkers in Peace and Security as we discuss the Pact for the Future on 6 August, in Canberra and Online. The Pact for the Future will be negotiated by UN member states at the Summit of the Future in New York in September. Participate in discussions that seek to influence the Australian government and civil society agenda for final negotiations with presentations by academics, civil society and government representatives.

The themes of the Pact for the Future and our agenda at this event will address:

  1. International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
  2. Peace, Preventative Diplomacy and Dialogue
  3. Strengthening the UN Peacebuilding Commission
  4. Disarmament
  5. Reform of the UN Security Council


Initiative for PeaceBuilding, Melbourne University The Initiative for Peacebuilding brings together multidisciplinary research, engagement, and education to advance peacebuilding and conflict prevention in the Indo-Pacific region.

The United Nations Association of Australia, UNAA is a membership based organisation that works across Australia to inform, inspire and engage Australians on the work, goals, and values of the United Nations to create a safer, fairer, more sustainable world.

Australian Institute of International Affairs, AIIA, is a leading think tank on international affairs in Australia and the region. It provides research, publications, events, and networks on global issues and challenges.


Tuesday 6 August, 9am to 5pm
Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture 15 Blackall Street Barton, ACT 2600
and online
This event is free in person and online. Donations are encouraged particularly if you are joining us in person, to cover catering costs. More information and registration.


On 10 September 2021, UN Secretary-General Antònio Guterres presented his much anticipated Our Common Agenda (OCA) report. The Summit of the Future, planned for 22-23 September 2024, aims to agree on a package of ambitious and necessary reforms of the UN. These include the proposed Pact for the Future, a Declaration on Future Generations, a Global Digital Compact, the New Agenda for Peace and a revitalised and stronger UN gender architecture to better respond to the serious setbacks for the rights of women and girls the world over.  This event will focus on Peace and Security and be informed by papers by leading academics which will be published here.

We hope you can join this important discussion. Please share this invitation with colleagues.

Dr Donnell Davis