UNAAV Events
The Global Crisis of Gender Inequality – A discussion led by the World Bank’s Dr. Augusto Lopez-Claros
According to the World Bank, there are only 18 countries out of a total of 173 where women are not discriminated against by laws which put them at a disadvantage and prevent them from making a contribution to national prosperity.
What are the economic development implications of widespread discrimination against women? We have traditionally looked at gender inequality through a human rights lens. But, increasingly, it is clear that pervasive inequality has an economic and security dimension as well.
Is the world paying a heavy price by subjecting women to various forms of discrimination and, if so, what are the courses of action suggested by the data? What can be done about the global crisis of gender inequality?
The UNAA Victoria Status of Women Committee, Australian Baha’i Community and JERA International are pleased to provide this opportunity to hear Dr Augusto Lopez-Claros, Director of the World Bank’s Global Indicators Group, speak about these issues. This is Dr Lopez-Claros’ only Melbourne speaking engagement during his current Australian visit.
Tickets are $15 and will include light refreshments.
Click here to register: www.eventbrite.com/e/the-global-crisis-of-gender-inequality-tickets-40857006406