Category: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Turn toxic e-waste into a source of ‘decent work’, UN labour agency urges

A “toxic flood of electric and electronic waste” that is growing by the day across the world, should be urgently converted into a source of decent work, that can also protect populations from its harmful effects, the United Nations labour agency said on Wednesday. Governments, workers and employer organizations reached agreement at a meeting of […]

‘New tech’ business model threatens decent work conditions, warns UN

  Unemployment is down globally but workers’ conditions have not improved, the UN said on Wednesday, warning that some businesses driven by new technology “threaten to undermine” hard-won social gains of recent decades. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), most of the 3.3 billion people employed worldwide in 2018 did not enjoy adequate levels of economic security, […]

FROM THE FIELD: Rwanda’s Green Villages benefit poorest

An innovative approach to supporting the poorest and most vulnerable in Rwanda, is helping to address environmental problems and achieve ambitious development goals there, according to the UN Development Programme, UNDP. The “Green Village” concept, a Rwandan government initiative which is supported by UNDP, aims to tackle the African country’s growing natural resource challenges – […]

UN forum spotlights cities, where struggle for sustainability ‘will be won or lost’

Although cities are often characterized by stark socioeconomic inequalities and poor environmental conditions, they also offer growth and development potential – making them central to the 2030 Agendafor Sustainable Development and a main focus of the third day of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Wednesday. Through the inherently integrated nature of urban development, […]

UN launches initiative to improve road safety worldwide

  With some 1.3 million drivers, passengers and pedestrians dying each year on the world’s roads, the United Nations took a major step to address this tragedy by launching on Thursday a trust fund to spur action that could save lives and prevent the loss of opportunity associated with road accidents. Speaking at the UN General […]