2.30pm – 5pm, 7 June 2017
Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth St Melbourne
After the lunch presentation of the World Environment Day Climate Action Awards, Forum participants had the opportunity to join other climate management practitioners and experts to discuss the collaboration needed to progress the topics below.
A report back, plenary session was held after the discussions so that all participants could hear the results of all six workshops.
Workshop A – The Energy Transition: Electricity and Manufacturing
This discussion considered ways to work together to improve efficiency, reduce demand; successfully switch to renewables across the electricity and industry sectors.
Amandine Denis-Ryan, Acting CEO and Head of Research, Climateworks Australia
Tony Wood, Energy Program Director, Grattan Institute
Steve Lennon, Sustainability and Climate Change specialist; UNAA WA President
Workshop B – The Energy Transition: Transport and Building
This discussion considered ways to work together to improve efficiency, reduce demand; successfully switch to renewables across the transport and building sectors.
Antony Sprigg, Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure Sustainability Council Australia
Eli Court, Implementation Manager, Climateworks Australia
Rebecca Jinks, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Cushman & Wakefield; UNAAV Young Professionals Co-Convenor
Workshop C – Managing our land
With almost a quarter of global emissions coming from agriculture and deforestation, what collaboration is needed to ensure sustainable capture of carbon and protection of carbon sinks; how do we reduce agricultural emissions, deforestation and protect biodiversity? How do we adapt management to build opportunities for co-benefits?
Sarah Boulter, Research Fellow, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
Adam Beaumont, Asia Pacific Regional Director (Interim), FSC International
Graham Hunter, Coordinator, UNAA Climate Collaboration Program
Workshop D – Resourcing the change: building capacity for a low carbon future
This group discussed how people, skills and markets can help achieve emissions reductions and the Paris Agreement commitments
Peter Castellas, CEO, Carbon Market Institute
Emily Gerrard, Co-head Climate Change Group, Allens
Warwick Peel, Chief Executive Officer – Startup Boardroom, UNAA Victoria Board member
Workshop E – Mobilising the Community
How can we best work together to enhance understanding; develop and maintain motivation; improve incentives; remove impediments and provide leadership?
Dominique La Fontaine, Executive Officer, South East Councils Climate Change Alliance
Heather Campbell, Chair, Sustainability Victoria
Imogen Jubb, Zero Carbon Communities Manager, Beyond Zero Emissions
Workshop F – Building strong climate cities
We all need to play a role in creating resilience to climate change in our cities and regions – how can we protect and promote community health, safety and amenity; biodiversity; the economy; agriculture and migration.
Maree Grenfell, Resilient Melbourne Delivery Manager, City of Melbourne
Michael Nolan, Chair, UN Global Compact Cities Programme
Dr Michael Henry AM, Managing Director, The Strategy Shop; UNAA Victoria President,